Short film for kids about Fritz Müller
28 de April de 2024

Short film for kids about Fritz Müller is available online

“The Prince of Observers: Fritz Müller’s Scientific Adventure in Rancho Queimado” addresses the passage of the renowned naturalist through the municipality

Watch the movie:


Click HERE to download the film in HD.

The video is free (non-commercial use), but you must give appropriate credit and mention that it was produced with resources from the Lei Paulo Gustavo.

Children will learn the story of Fritz Müller’s scientific expedition through the municipality in a simple and fun way. Starting this month, the short film with puppet characters “The Prince of Observers: Fritz Müller’s Scientific Adventure in Rancho Queimado” will be available.

In an exciting short film, children are invited to explore the past through puppets, experiencing Fritz Müller’s 1868 expedition in Rancho Queimado, based on his own account. This charming film celebrates local history and reveals the secrets of the region, from picturesque paths to the rich flora. Sponsored by Lei Paulo Gustavo, the project conceived by architect Carolina Nunes aims to celebrate Fritz Müller’s contribution to science and inspire children to explore the world of nature and scientific research in a playful and educational way. The project is supported by Humanität, ACAPRENA, British Honorary Consulate in Santa Catarina, Laboratório de Áudio/FURB e Clube Humboldt do Brasil.

The film was launched in a special session at Casa Hercílio Luz, a listed property and cultural facility of the Catarinense Culture Foundation. The project also included a free lecture for the public titled: “Fritz Müller and the Paths to Regional Development.” During the lecture, the significant moments of the illustrious scientist’s passage through Rancho Queimado were explored, highlighting the significant sections of his scientific, environmental, and cultural observations in the municipality. The presentation included the visionary proposal to create the “Fritz Müller Paths” script, inspired by case studies in Germany. In this country, tourist routes focused on environmental and cultural values have played a crucial role in boosting economic development and improving the quality of life of the population. The references and proposals shared during the lecture derive from Carolina’s in-depth research and direct experience in Germany, where she participated in the Bundeskanzler Stipendium of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a program sponsored by the German Chancellery aimed at young global leaders. The Fritz Müller Paths in Santa Catarina are a proposal and object of study of ACAPRENA and the Desterro Fritz Müller Group. Discover the Urbanism proposal: click HERE for insights.

Marionete de Fritz Müller está sentada em um tronco, segurando um lápis e um caderno como se estivesse anotando. O tronco está sobre um gramado e a paisagem de fundo tem vegetação.

About Fritz Müller:
Fritz Müller (1822-1897), a German-Brazilian naturalist, was born in Germany and graduated in philosophy from the University of Berlin. In 1852, he moved to Brazil, becoming a Brazilian citizen and residing in Blumenau and Florianópolis. He researched the invertebrate fauna and flora of Santa Catarina. His notable collaboration with Charles Darwin in the theory of evolution is evidenced by over a dozen citations in the 6th edition of “On the Origin of Species” and around ninety references in Darwin’s works, who dubbed him the “Prince of Observers” and with whom he exchanged over a hundred letters. Müller also maintained extensive correspondence with various scientists of the 19th century and published over two hundred papers on his research in Santa Catarina. He was honored in life with an honorary doctorate from the Universities of Bonn and Tübingen (Germany), as well as later by the Federal University of Santa Catarina and the University of Blumenau. His scientific legacy is of lasting importance to the scientific community and Brazil.

Project Team:
Coordination and Executive Production: Carolina Viviane Nunes
Direction: Alan Langdon
Script: Alan Langdon, Carolina Viviane Nunes, Priscila Gilinski, and Rafael Leandro
Theatrical Production: Cia Macadame (Priscila Gilinski and Rafael Leandro)
Original Soundtrack: Rafael Leandro
LIBRAS and Audio Description: Priscila Paris Duarte

Accessible versions (only in Portuguese):
LIBRAS e LSE subtitles (Brazilian Sign Language):
Audio description:

Check out photos, behind-the-scenes, and project activities on social media:

3 bonecos de marionetes estão de costas, observando uma paisagem de araucárias. Um dos bonecos, representando Fritz Müller, observa com luneta.

1 Comment

  1. Lauro Eduardo Bacca April 29, 2024 1:47 pm  Reply

    Filme maravilhoso e criativo. Mostrou como se pode fazer um bom trabalho na simplicidade! Parabéns Que a Carolina e demais pessoas que se empenharam nessa nobre tarefa!!!
    E que logo sejam implantados em Santa Catarina os CAMINHOS DE FRITZ MÜLLER!!!

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