The history of XV de Novembro Street, the main shopping street in the city of Blumenau, will be told in a book. One of the objectives of the project is to map the old shops and their relevance to the development of the municipality. Commanded by historian Ana Maria Moraes, the book will not be restricted to the past: the historian emphasizes the importance of bringing this research to the current reality.
The “Rua XV”, as it is affectionately called, is a plural street, which welcomes the society of Blumenau and is part of the daily life of hundreds of residents, who shop, work, and live there. Interpreting this diversity, and materializing it in photographs, was up to Walter Carlos Weingaertner, Humanität’s engineer.
“The street is the scene of a daily show, with its parades, parties, congregations and artistic performances, as well as shopping and working. A history book ends up revealing much about the present, sometimes even more than the past itself. The photos will leave a picture of the current XV Street for the future, as it presents itself today for the city,” explains Weingaertner.

Photo: Walter C. Weingaertner
Click here to read the article written by the journalist Pedro Machado, published in the Jornal de Santa Catarina (available only in Portuguese)